Author: admin

I never wanted to ride on a train again.

I have heard people rave about train travel. My best friend said it was the most relaxing way to travel. You weren’t stuck in seats like a sardine can, and you could walk without tripping over someone. The only problem with a train, was that they didn’t served meals or drinks, and you were stuck […]

My grandparents like the heat a little too much

I recently went out to visit my grandparents in the Southwest. I grew up out there in the Southwest, where the temperatures can be extremely high in the summer. The heat is very oppressive out there and the dryness can be a hassle as well. My grandparents actually love the weather in the Southwest. I […]

Our cold season is short and precious to me

We don’t have a very long cold season where I come from. In fact, the temperature is quite high throughout the entire year. From late April all the way through about half of October, it’s quite common for temperatures to be in the 80s, and sometimes in the 90s, or even the triple digits during […]

I barely use my HVAC system during the Fall

I love living in the Southern part of the country. Obviously, the weather is great year-round, but I must admit that I do wish we experienced the beauty of the other seasons. For instance, in the Northern states, during the Fall, the trees all change colors and the leaves are always so vibrant and beautiful. […]

Are space heaters dangerous?

Spring is my favorite season because the weather is so pleasant outside and everything comes back to life after the Winter months. Spring is filled with colors and it’s such a vibrant season, the birds are chirping, the bees are buzzing and the butterflies are fluttering around in the wind. But one of the main […]

Why You should choose a heat pump

Whenever you replace your HVAC system, you also have the opportunity to increase your home’s efficiency. Investing in a new cooling or heating system can hurt your wallet, but it can also save you money in the long run. Heat pumps are among the most efficient HVAC systems. A heat pump powered by electricity offers […]

How to prepare for the colder season?

Now that the Fall season is upon us, it’s a great time to start getting our homes prepared for the colder months. And just like in the Spring when you get ready for the Summer, there are certain home maintenance that most homeowners will do. For instance, during this time of year, I check all […]