Our cold season is short and precious to me

We don’t have a very long cold season where I come from.

In fact, the temperature is quite high throughout the entire year.

From late April all the way through about half of October, it’s quite common for temperatures to be in the 80s, and sometimes in the 90s, or even the triple digits during the summer. That’s why I look forward to October and the fall in general, because it heralds a time in which the temperature finally dips down to a far more comfortable range. The humidity also decreases slightly. Though this time of the year is rather short, I am grateful for the chance for my air conditioner to not work as hard as it does for the rest of the year. I’ll set my thermostat to a certain temperature, and when I wake up in the morning to check it, I see that the temperature is lower than what I set it to. Pretty soon, as the weeks progress, I barely need to set the temperature on the thermostat at all, as the indoor temperature automatically becomes cool. I hardly ever use the heat, though occasionally, I might use it in the middle of the winter. Most of the time, however, I absolutely love the way my home feels without using any HVAC during the short, precious time between late fall and mid-winter. However, as the rest of the year requires an A/C for any measure of reasonable comfort, I always make sure I call an HVAC technician out for regularly scheduled maintenance on my HVAC system. I’m beginning to think I may want to live elsewhere, where the temperatures I enjoy in the fall and winter are more common throughout the year.

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