How hard can it be to install an air filter?

The only thing I asked my son to do when I was at work was change the air filter in the furnace.

  • When I got home, I asked if he had changed the air filter.

He snorted and told me that no one was going to change the air filter. He got the compartment open, but the air filter was stuck. He wasn’t breaking the furnace trying to change an air filter. There would be more trouble than it was worth, so he thought he would let changing the air filter for his dad. I didn’t expect my husband home until late, and I couldn’t figure out how hard it can be to install an air filter. My son said he could install the air filter if it came out, but it wouldn’t. He showed me how to open the air filter compartment, and then he said how it should come right out. All I saw was dust and the air filter was definitely stuck. After several hard pulls, the air filter came out, but the compartment was full of dust and dirt. My son got the dust vacuum and cleaned out the compartment, and then he handed me a new air filter. He showed me how to put it in. changing the air filter wasn’t hard, but I couldn’t figure out why it had been so difficult to get out. I looked at the air filter change list when we were done, and I knew the answer. My husband hadn’t changed the air filter in almost six months, and now I had to call the HVAC company to get the furnace cleaned and checked.


gas heater

He was coughing, but he didn’t have a mask.

I’m no longer overly concerned over COVID-19, but I have always been concerned with health. I have severe asthma that is finally under control. I take a regimen of vitamins to keep my immune system working properly, and I take my medicines every day. I wear a mask when I am out, and I ask people to wear one when in my home if they aren’t feeling well. Last week, I heard the HVAC technician coughing when he got out of the service van. I was hoping he would put a mask on, but it didn’t happen. When he walked up to the door, I looked at his service badge and handed him a disposable face mask. He told me he didn’t wear masks. After explaining I heard him coughing, I was requesting he wear it. I explained about my asthma, but he wouldn’t take the mask. He said he didn’t think anyone had the right to force people to wear masks if they don’t want to. I wasn’t forcing him, but I was asking him. I had asthma, and I didn’t want to get sick. He was coughing, and I didn’t know if it was allergies, or if he was getting sick. I called the HVAC company and told them the name of the HVAC technician. I then told them he refused to wear a mask in my house, and I once again explained about the asthma. I thanked them and hung up, but he was now on the phone. He looked at me and said there would be someone else at the house who would relent and wear the mask. I heard they had fired the HVAC technician when he got back to the office that day.



boiler installation

I really enjoy owning my own HVAC company

Sometimes, I wake up and still can’t believe that I am a heating and air conditioning business owner.

My entire family consists of different business owners, and so naturally I wanted to own a business of my own as well.

I went back and forth on what kind of business I wanted to own, I never could make up my mind. My mom, for example, owns a jewelry business. My dad owns an antique shop, and my older sister owns a hair product store. However, I didn’t own anything, and after I made the horrible mistake of dropping out of high school, I didn’t think I was ever going to own anything. And if it wasn’t for my friend, I might have never owned my current heating and air conditioning store. When I was looking for work, it was difficult. Not very many jobs wanted to hire a high school drop out. My friend taught me the basics of heating and A/C maintenance as well as HVAC repair, and he managed to get me hired at his workplace. I tried very hard and made sure to learn as much as possible. Surprisingly, heating and cooling work came naturally to me. My friend ended up leaving for another job, but I stayed. Eventually, my boss retired and I ended up buying the business from him. Now I own my own HVAC corporation. I have since hired a couple of new heating and cooling techs and updated our website, and my company is thriving!

central air conditioning

Cool air conditioning machine in my home

I recently had a really cool HVAC equipment installed in my home.

This piece of HVAC technology is really fascinating to me, because it does not require any kind of ductwork. That’s right, I bought myself a ductless air conditioning system. A ductless HVAC system is perfect for those who either don’t have ductwork, have air ducts that are damaged, or have old homes that never had ductwork installed. In my case, I didn’t have enough money for ductwork repair. When I first bought this home, I was aware that it had some damage, but I wasn’t quite aware of how bad that damage turned out to be. The ductwork had multiple tears and gashes, and was also pretty old. It had to go, but the price was crazy high. I would have never imagined ductwork repair removal being so expensive. When I told the heating and air conditioning technician my dilemma, that is when he recommended getting a ductless cooling system, and that turned out to be the perfect solution. Much cheaper than a new ductwork installation,the ductless heating and air conditioning system turned out to be incredibly efficient, probably just as efficient as a normal central air conditioning system. I am so glad that the heating and A/C specialist recommended this form of heating and air conditioning to me. Because otherwise I would likely be going without heating and cooling right about now. I highly would recommend the ductless A/C machine to anyone in a similar situation, it works great!


air conditioning expert

Mom visits her HVAC twins

Tomorrow is the day our mother comes to visit. She lives in the big city and loves being around so much entertainment one would get lost in. We moved away several years ago to start our HVAC business in this small town and it has been thriving ever since. Our mother visits us once a year and always tells us we should move closer to her and experience the wonders she gets to on a daily basis. My brother Mark and I have no interest in moving to the city and we would wish she would move closer to us. Our mother gives us a lot of crap and for some odd reason when she does come to visit, we get a ton of emergency HVAC issues. I don’t know if it’s karma but it’s quite funny that this is usually when she comes and visits us. She usually comes up for 2 weeks but after 2 days I can tell she wants to go back home. There really isn’t much to do here for someone who enjoys city life. We have small river people like to fish on, a few stores, and a skating rink that the kids go to a lot. It’s very comfortable and Mark and I pretty much know all the residents. Our mother finds it weird that everyone pretty much knows each other’s names and when she comes up to visit they still recognize her. She is coming up tomorrow but I know Mark and I have some air ducts to clean and some heating and cooling systems to check out in the morning. Hopefully, it doesn’t take all day because I feel I already hear her complaining.

gas fireplace

The HVAC technician struggles over the past

My brother John earlier today went to visit an old buddy’s tombstone.

It wasn’t just any old buddy, but a friend named Dwight who helped us start our HVAC company. He was the best HVAC technician in our small town and we learned a lot from him. I wish I took more of his people skills but John has those. I’m definitely more technical than John so I know we are still a great combo. Still, today is hard and I couldn’t go see his gravestone. I do here and there alone when no one is around but I can’t manage those feelings with my brother around. It’s very hard to become something in the world and the one person that helped you get there is no longer with you. John and I usually close down the HVAC business on this day but if there are emergencies we are available. Usually, I tend to handle those because John can’t really be around people today. We do still have dinner and sit around a radio listening to music and enjoying a glass of wine in the evening reminiscing a bit. That’s all we have are stories and ourselves. We are thinking about hiring new HVAC techs because we are getting older. The only issue is that we still have Dwight in our minds and it’s been 5 years. We definitely had some interests and yes some of these people that come to us seem like they know their stuff and would be a great addition to our HVAC team which is only 2 of us but we are not quite there yet. Someday though, someday.


hvac company

The HVAC technician that moved on

Everyone always forgets that our HVAC business started with the three of us.

I still remember our old buddy Dwight, he was a great HVAC technician.

Dwight, my brother Mark and myself were a great team but Dwight was the best of us. He had technical skills as well as people skills. He was the complete HVAC tech professional. I’m glad my brother and I have a bit of a skill set because if we didn’t then our HVAC company probably would’ve failed months after the passing of Dwight. It’s still unfortunate to think that it’s been 5 years to this date since it happened. It was an unfortunate car accident that did him in and I heard it wasn’t painful but still the pain of him gone lingers in Mark and me. I still remember the laughs we had when it came to cookouts or days at the beach. His favorite thing outside of being an HVAC tech was to teach people the HVAC business. Other HVAC companies tried to recruit him and pull him away from the company we built but he stood tall with us and we made a successful life out of it in large part due to him. He did help other companies train their staff before he started this HVAC business with us. He was well known and some companies wanted to hire him out of state. I stand above his tombstone, with a tear slowly rolling down my cheek, smiling and thinking about him. This man, Dwight, is the reason I’m successful and one day my children will be successful.


heating dealer

The HVAC twins are arguing again

It’s only been a few weeks and here we go again! I hate the fact that we are so great at our jobs but what keeps us from becoming exceptional HVAC techs is our frustration and little arguments with each other.

This last incident occurred because of an air conditioning job we did at one of the local businesses.

Myself, John thought we could do a simple quick fix to the system while Mark wanted to replace the whole system. This lasted for a good 15 or so minutes until Jane, the building owner walked in on us. One of the employees complained about how we were acting unprofessional and it was disturbing their work. The employee was right after all and these are the exact situations I’m afraid Mark and I would get into. She asked what the issue was and I tried explaining it a bit but Mark jumped in and gave her the rundown. He explained to her that my idea would be best for a short term fix, maybe a year or maybe 5 but his would last decades and there will be a warranty put onto the new HVAC system. I guess at the end we were both right and Mark’s idea was most definitely better for the long haul. Jane said she is more than happy to replace the whole system because her business isn’t going anywhere and she wouldn’t want us to be back here in a year again in case the repairs we do now are not long lasting. We ordered the parts and said we will be in the next day to replace the old HVAC system with a newer one.

ductless hvac

How tough can it be to install an air filter?

The only thing I asked our child to do when I was at labor was change the air filter in the heating system.

When I got home, I asked if he had changed the air filter.

He snorted and told me that no 1 was going to change the air filter. He got the compartment open, but the air filter was stuck. He wasn’t breaking the heating system trying to change an air filter! There would be more trouble than it was worth, so he thought he would let increasing the air filter for his dad. I didn’t expect our husband home until late, and I could not figure out how tough it can be to install an air filter… My child said he could install the air filter if it came out, but it wouldn’t. He showed me how to open the air filter compartment, and then he said how it should come right out. All I saw was dust and the air filter was easily stuck. After many tough pulls, the air filter came out, but the compartment was full of dust and dirt. My child got the dust vacuum and cleaned out the compartment, and then he handed me a current air filter. He showed me how to put it in. increasing the air filter wasn’t hard, but I could not figure out why it had been so hard to get out. I looked at the air filter change list when every one of us were done, and I knew the answer. My husband hadn’t changed the air filter in almost more than five months, and now I had to call the Heating and Air Conditioning company to get the heating system cleaned and checked.


air conditioning worker

How rough can it be to install an air filter?

The only thing I asked our son to do when I was at labor was change the air filter in the oil furnace.

When I got home, I asked if he had changed the air filter.

He snorted and told myself and others that no 1 was going to change the air filter. He got the compartment open, however the air filter was stuck. He wasn’t breaking the oil furnace trying to change an air filter, there would be more trouble than it was worth, so he thought he would let changing the air filter for his dad. I didn’t expect our partner home until late, and I could not figure out how difficult it can be to install an air filter… My son said he could install the air filter if it came out, however it wouldn’t. He showed myself and others how to open the air filter compartment, and then he said how it should come right out. All I saw was dust and the air filter was really stuck. After several difficult pulls, the air filter came out, however the compartment was full of dust and dirt. My son got the dust vacuum and cleaned out the compartment, and then he handed myself and others a new air filter. He showed myself and others how to put it in. changing the air filter wasn’t hard, although I could not figure out why it had been so taxing to get out. I looked at the air filter change list when all of us were done, and I knew the answer. My partner hadn’t changed the air filter in almost several months, and now I had to call the HVAC corporation to get the oil furnace cleaned and evaluated.



hvac company