Mom visits her HVAC twins

Tomorrow is the day our mother comes to visit. She lives in the big city and loves being around so much entertainment one would get lost in. We moved away several years ago to start our HVAC business in this small town and it has been thriving ever since. Our mother visits us once a year and always tells us we should move closer to her and experience the wonders she gets to on a daily basis. My brother Mark and I have no interest in moving to the city and we would wish she would move closer to us. Our mother gives us a lot of crap and for some odd reason when she does come to visit, we get a ton of emergency HVAC issues. I don’t know if it’s karma but it’s quite funny that this is usually when she comes and visits us. She usually comes up for 2 weeks but after 2 days I can tell she wants to go back home. There really isn’t much to do here for someone who enjoys city life. We have small river people like to fish on, a few stores, and a skating rink that the kids go to a lot. It’s very comfortable and Mark and I pretty much know all the residents. Our mother finds it weird that everyone pretty much knows each other’s names and when she comes up to visit they still recognize her. She is coming up tomorrow but I know Mark and I have some air ducts to clean and some heating and cooling systems to check out in the morning. Hopefully, it doesn’t take all day because I feel I already hear her complaining.

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