Attempting to avoid paying HVAC service fees

After spending a long time in the same hot environment, I’ve finally decided that enough is enough and am moving to a much cooler location.

When I first moved to the south, I believed it would be simpler for me, but I soon discovered that it has been more difficult.

I absolutely detested how frequently I had to have my heating system serviced when I was looking up north. You are forced to have a service if you live in a very cold climate, as I did at the time. If your heating system malfunctions, you’ll be forced to pay for urgent HVAC repairs, which you don’t want to do. As a result, you have to choose between having service or going without heat. The heat is the one thing I can’t stand in the south, despite the fact that I don’t like dealing with it up in the north. In fact, I’ve discovered that I prefer the cold to the heat, exactly what I relocated to avoid. It gets extremely hot here, and I’ve discovered that I simply don’t want to deal with the heat as well as I thought I did. However, the heat is just so much harder to handle than the cold. I believe I’m going to try to relocate to the core climate, but I’m also going to try to relocate to my home region, which is a little bit less chilly. Simply finding a neutral area is all I’m looking for. I still haven’t determined exactly where that will be, but I’m going to keep looking until I do.


radiant floor heating

I had no idea the air ducts were so dirty

My air ducts need more attention, so I should start doing that.

I would have had my air ducts cleaned much sooner if I had known how filthy they were, but there was a problem.

I was unaware of how filthy my air ducts really were. When my heating and cooling system started to malfunction, I didn’t attribute it to anything involving my airbox, instead, I assumed that it was because my air conditioning system was old and inefficient. I believed that the fact that you really needed repairs made to it was the cause of my poor indoor air quality. The air conditioning system wasn’t broken until I made an appointment with my neighborhood heating and air conditioning company, at which point a cooling technician informed me. Due to my neglect of my air ducts, I simply had poor indoor air quality. I asked him what he thought I ought to do, and he suggested that I get my air ducts thoroughly cleaned. He then asked if I wanted that done right away, and I said yes. I might as well finish everything in a single day if I’m going to have him tune up everything anyway. He then hurried up there to clean my air ducts, and I was shocked to see how filthy they were. I can’t believe I’ve been putting up with filthy air ducts for so long! He was serious, and they appeared to have never even been cleaned. I didn’t notice a significant improvement in my indoor air quality after the cleaning was done.
gas furnace

My ductwork is almost prepared for cleaning

I adore my heating and cooling system, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t take it too seriously

My morning coffee and the radio are both things I’m doing as I get out of bed. Consequently, I’m preparing to have my ductwork cleaned today. It seems like it’s taking me forever to actually schedule a heating and cooling appointment, even though I’ve been wanting to have my ductwork cleaned for a very long time. I’m aware that it only takes five minutes to call a heating and air conditioning company to make an appointment, and that doesn’t even count the numerous HVAC companies that offer online scheduling. It’s not that making an appointment for heating and cleaning takes too much time. Since I always take much longer than I anticipate when it comes to heating and air conditioning tasks, it just seems as though I’m always busy with something else. I suppose it’s because I don’t think my heating and air conditioning systems are particularly crucial. I’m aware that some people go above and beyond to take excellent care of their heating and cooling systems, but I’m just not one of them. Sure, if my heating or cooling system malfunctions, I’ll have to take care of it, but if it doesn’t, I probably won’t do anything about it because I don’t really see the need to. Anything extra is, in my opinion, just money that was wasted on something else. I adore my heating and cooling system, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t take it too seriously. Which could be a problem if I wanted to invite guests over. Fortunately, I never do, so if anything goes wrong, it’s my fault.

hvac business

In the box was the missing air conditioner

My friends have consistently urged me to go out on the weekends but when I moved into a new apartment, unpacking took up a significant portion of my weekend time.

I only became aware that I had too much stuff when I started the unpacking process and that I would have to get rid of some items.

There were some items that I had specifically put in a donation box and other items that I put in a box to sell when I was packing everything into the boxes for my move. I needed to get rid of a few things because I had too many. My ductless mini split air conditioning system was nowhere to be found as I was packing my belongings. This is very disappointing because I had specifically purchased this in place of my window air conditioning system because ductless mini split air conditioning systems are nicer, and I always leave the AC system in the window running in the morning to let in some cool air. When I first started unpacking, that was one of my top priorities, but I couldn’t find it! I combed through boxes all day long in search of something, but I couldn’t find it, and I was really concerned that I had misplaced it. only to discover that I had forgotten the box, which was obviously the box that it was in. Simply put, I was relieved to get it back. I can once more take pleasure in the cool air. A pleasant, cool breeze from the window air conditioner is unbeatable!

heating and cooling equipment

Appreciating the fireplace in our new home

The fireplace in our new house is something I adore.

I specifically sought to have this fireplace installed in our home because I have always wanted one and I adore the way they look.

It did not come with our home. But because I had so many options, it was challenging for me to choose which type of fireplace I would get for my house as I was looking at various models. There is the conventional wood-burning fireplace, followed by the gas fireplace and finally the electric fireplace. It wasn’t always simple to choose which one would be best for me and my particular situation because I had the benefits and drawbacks that went along with them. So the only way I learned was by conducting extensive research to determine which options are the most attractive, warmest, and most reasonably priced for me. Although gas fireplaces are, in my opinion, the most attractive, I didn’t want them because I felt they were a little risky. I adored the concept of a classic fireplace, but I also adored something more contemporary, like an electric fireplace. Finally, I made the choice to use an electric fireplace because it was not only transportable but also a good middle ground between a traditional fireplace and a gas fireplace. It’s been added to my home, and the process has been simpler than I had anticipated. Although I would need to hire a professional to complete the task, it wasn’t overly difficult either. It wasn’t as easy as, say, installing your own DIY thermostat. Although I already own the fireplace, I haven’t installed it. On Thursday next week, I have an insulation appointment.

energy saving tips

Radiant heated flooring transforms a house

I firmly believe that if your home doesn’t have radiant heated floors, you simply are unaware of what you’re missing.

The previous summer, I had radiant heat in my house.

Because it is already hot outside, installing radiant heating in your home during the summer may seem strange. After all, why would you need to heat it? However, my local heating and cooling company was offering a 30% discount on radiant heating purchases, and since it seems to sell more during the summer and fewer people were buying heated flooring, I decided to buy it before the winter months to have a spot on my house. I can imagine you wondering if doing that wouldn’t just make your house even hotter while you’re trying to keep it cool. If I were to turn on the heaters, what would I do? Fortunately, I can turn them off. My heated floors will not be used in the sweltering summer, instead, I will save them for the chilly winter months when I am in desperate need of heat. It will be helpful when I want my house to be warm, but for the time being, I’ll continue to use my air conditioner. Even though I haven’t used my radiant heated floors yet, I do think that if you don’t have them, you don’t know what you’re missing. I have a friend who also has radiant heated floors, and I’ve been through their house, and they’re incredible. I was motivated to acquire some of my own by that. In a way, I’m glad I bought them during the summer because I was able to save a little money, but I also look forward to the winter so I can use them all.

Further information on AC

The furnace is ready for the approaching winter

Therefore, when the heating and AC technician came out to fix it, I mentioned that I wanted to do something that would resolve the issue permanently.

My furnace is now prepared for the upcoming winter, so I’m as happy as I can be. This may not seem like a big deal to most people who have never had a problem with their furnaces, but for me, I have had problems with my furnace constantly since the day I bought it. I wouldn’t have chosen the furnace that came with the house if I had my way, but since I bought it, it has been an old, inefficient furnace that is very hard to fix. The main reason for this is simply that it is so outdated that even the most cutting-edge heating and air conditioning companies have trouble locating parts to replace it with. It wasn’t heating the house very well and was making a very loud rattling noise last week. It’s flawed in some way. I did what any reasonable person would have done in this circumstance and called a heating and cooling expert to come take a look at it. He informed me that it required repairs. I had it repaired so many times before that I was shocked at this point. After being fixed, it would soon malfunction again. Therefore, when the heating and AC technician came out to fix it, I mentioned that I wanted to do something that would resolve the issue permanently. He responded that the only options available to me were to replace everything or purchase a new one. I told him to simply replace everything that needed to be replaced to make it last as long as possible because I didn’t have the money for a contemporary gas furnace. He complied with my request. Since my heater was constantly having problems, it’s been running for more than 6 months and is still going strong, so I’m pleased with the outcome.

heated floors

How come the HVAC technician is taking so long?

I’m not sure what’s going on with the heating and air conditioning industry, but last Tuesday I scheduled a heating and air conditioning appointment, and the heating and cooling guy never even showed up.

Now that it is Thursday, I had to reschedule my appointment for heating and air conditioning, and the HVAC company provided an explanation for why they couldn’t come out on Tuesday but promised to come out on Thursday. On Thursday at 2:00 pm, they were anticipated to arrive. Now that it is 3:00 p.m., and I have yet to hear from the heating and cooling company, I am beginning to believe that the situation will repeat itself from Tuesday, when they simply failed to show up. Why are the heating and air conditioning companies always so tardy, and why can’t they just show up and get to work? Why is that so challenging for them? My heating and air conditioning system needs to be thoroughly inspected and maintained so that I won’t have to worry about any problems. The HVAC technician needs to come out right away, though, as that would make things a lot simpler. At 3:30 p.m., finally. When I called, the heat and air conditioning technician informed me that he would be late due to a challenging repair that he was still working on with a different customer. After finally arriving at my home at 4:45, he spends an additional two hours performing basic heating and cooling repairs that could have been completed by some other air conditioning specialists I’ve had out here in just 45 minutes. I believe I’ll choose a brand-new heating and cooling company.


hot water boiler

It was finally time to replace the furnace

For me, last week was not a good week.

  • Since I lost my job, I’ve not only been struggling, but I also had to replace my furnace.

I was aware that my furnace was getting on in age and would need to be replaced soon. I didn’t expect to need to replace it so quickly. Sadly, I had other plans at the time, so it stopped working for me. I realized that if I wanted a working heating system, I would have to replace the old furnace and buy a brand-new system. I wasn’t really in the mood to do this. I’m aware that some people go in search of a new heating and cooling system with great enthusiasm, but I wasn’t at all excited. I merely needed something to replace the old one so that my house had heat. I made the decision to get another gas furnace because my old one had lasted me a long time and I knew it worked well, and I knew that if I wanted to get my money’s worth, I would have to think carefully about what kind of new heating system I was going to get. I went to a heating and air conditioning company and they had modern gas furnaces that were better than my old one but still had the same efficiency, so I just bought one of those. It wasn’t fun to go without any heat for a week, but thankfully, all the difficult work is done and I can now use the heater whenever I need it.


furnace/heater installation

Appreciating the summer temperature with air conditioning

In recent years, there have been a few summers in our region when the weather hasn’t been the best. I’m really looking forward to this year’s summertime. Since the summer is my favorite season of the year, I eagerly anticipate its arrival each year. Although the majority of my family disagrees with me on this, at least my friends do. I couldn’t be more in opposition to my family’s preference for the much colder temperatures. I suppose it’s just the fact that I’ve never been someone who can take the cold well, but I can take the heat like a champ. I have been venturing out and spending as much time as I can in the summer heat for this reason. I won’t need any other supplies as long as I have some water bottles and sunscreen with me. After all, if I do grow weary of being outside in the heat, I can always come home to my delightfully cool air-conditioned home. I recently installed a central air conditioning system in my house to replace the 20-year-old one that was previously there. Despite the fact that the old one was still functional, I decided it was time to replace it with a more up-to-date model. I am a huge fan of modern heating and cooling systems. With my new cooling system, I have a smart thermostat that I can use to regulate my home’s temperature from anywhere. It’s great because I never have to worry about getting too hot or overheating because I always have cooling on hand whenever I need it.


hvac system