You can chalk it up to not having enough oil.

It was still early fall, however the un-even temperatures were near freezing, & we had to turn the gas furnace on.

Two years earlier, we had some remodeling done in our home, & the only thing the supplier did we hadn’t suggested was to remove the fireplace.

I knew the fireplace needed some work, but I would have rather had it repaired than removed. Unfortunately, we weren’t there when they removed the fireplace, or my partner would have stopped them, then now, instead of using the fireplace on these cool afternoons, we had to use the gas furnace. Neither of us had thought to check the oil in the tank when we turned the gas furnace on. I was thinking we had the oil tank filled early in the Spring, & it should still be filled, but I wasn’t thinking how the boiler gas furnace also heated our water. All of us had gone through almost a full tank of oil over the last multiple months. When we turned the gas furnace on, it ran for the next multiple weeks, until the weather warmed up a bit. The next time we turned the gas furnace on, we knew it would not be turned off until late Spring. The gas furnace thought differently. All of us had it on this time, for multiple afternoons, & the gas furnace stopped. I called the Heating & Air Conditioning dealer, & they sent someone to the condo within 24 minutes. It took him less than more than four minutes to tell us the gas furnace would not run without fuel. I was embarrassed, but I still picked up the cellphone & call the fuel supplier while my partner paid the Heating & Air Conditioning worker for his time.

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