Why I choose portable heating and air options

One of these is always in my bedroom to keep me cool or warm as I’m sleeping.

I live in a rather large home for one person. From the very first month that I received my energy bill in this home, I have resented using my central heating and air conditioning system all that often. In fact, I simply prefer to use portable air conditioners or space heaters instead of running my central heating and air conditioning system. I might look into zone control heating and air conditioning in the future, but the truth is, using small portable units will probably save me money anyway. The idea behind using portable units or getting zone controlled heating and air conditioning is simple: why would I heat or cool the entirety of my house when I am only occupying one room at a time? It’s just a silly thing to do, especially when my home is so big, and I’m the only one that lives there besides my dog. I simply have bought two space heaters and two portable air conditioners. One of these is always in my bedroom to keep me cool or warm as I’m sleeping. The other one is either in the living room or the kitchen or some other room depending on where I have settled down at any given point in the day or night. I don’t really feel particularly uncomfortable by using these portable options. In fact, I feel very comfortable indeed. And I’m extremely comfortable with the fact that my energy bill is super low! Some people just absent-mindedly run their central heat or air conditioning for their entire house and they waste so much money and energy in the process, but not me!

air conditioning worker