Vacation heat

I love boating! The summertime is a time for vacation and fun.

Recently, my friend Victoria and I took a week long vacation out on the water. Victoria’s dad owns a beautiful houseboat that he allowed us to borrow for our outing. Victoria practically grew up out on the water, so she knew exactly how to run the boat and what to do if problems were to arise. The first of couple days were absolutely amazing. We spent a lot of time tubing and surfing. Each day, we traveled to a new area and docked the boat for the night. It wasn’t until the third night that we had an problems. Wednesday, it rained and caused the temperature to drop considerably. We were not really prepared for such a chilly evening. We tried to go to sleep that night, but both of us were too cold to fall asleep. Thankfully, Victoria discovered that the boat had a built-in heater. It took us an hour to figure out how to turn the heater on, but when we finally figured it out, it was worth all the hassle. The room quickly warmed up, and we slept well the rest of that evening. Later on when we returned home, Victoria’s dad informed us that the previous Wednesday night had actually dropped all the way down to 40 degrees! We explained the whole story to him, and he was very glad we were able to find the heater and turn it on. Both Victoria and I will forever remember that wonderful holiday and how grateful we were to discover that the boat had a built in heater.

a/c tune up