Utilizing that bike path

I used to live in the city.

I had a huge gym right near my apartment.

I enjoyed that place because of all it provided. I could take group physical training classes, consult a fitness expert, try nutritional counseling plus swim in the pool there. Then I moved an hour down south. I acquired a lot of things. I now have way more property plus privacy. I can legitimately walk around at night without feeling concerned. The local people are nice and I felt safer. I also am near my parents. So all in all, it was a superb move. I miss my gym though. The village has a single gym but it is small plus not genuinely great. Most of the machines are damaged or rusted. There is no personal training offered or even a public pool. I miss what I had. What is nice is that the village does offer a clean bike path. The path spans quite a few miles plus it is diagnosed nicely. No motorized vehicles are allowed on the path either. So I have invested in a bicycle. I ride that bike path as far as I want to take it. The tennis court is about a halfway point for me. I can choose to keep riding or I can stop at the court for something different. Occasionally I use the powder room or drinking fountain there. Sometimes I do all sorts of running drills on the court. I can find a shaded spot, take out a yoga mat plus stretch as well. It isn’t like my gym, but it is quite nice too.


Cross fit gym