They Gave Me a Ductless Mini Split Unit

I didn’t feel like I complained a lot about the lack of air in our kitchen, even though I assumed I was wrong.

The other week, our parents told each of us kids that they had a present for us and I was really caught off guard to say the least.

Christmas wasn’t for another several weeks, so I had no clue as to what they had in store for me. My mind began to wonder about all the gift possibilities and the reasons that our parents needed to give it to us kids so quickly. Of all the things I thought it could be, I was not prepared to open up a ductless mini split AC system. In fact, I was really confused! I didn’t remember ever asking for a ductless mini split system and I didn’t even know where to possibly put it. It wasn’t until our parents explained that it was for our kitchen that I began to realize why they had gotten it. I had been complaining about how hot our kitchen was and how the airflow was really poor. I didn’t sleep well in the evenings because of the temperature, and apparently everyone else was also weary of hearing me go on and on about it. When I realized why they had gotten us three kids the ductless mini split system, I felt embarrassed. I had no clue at all that our complaints about the lack of air in our kitchen would become so overwhelming that our parents would feel compelled to invest in a ductless mini split AC system. Either way, I’m really thankful for the generous gift and I’m even more thankful that I don’t have to lose sleep over the lack of air in our kitchen now.


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