The sun was affecting my thermostat

I just learned today that the sun can actually affect your thermostat’s performance. I never realized this, and looking back, it would explain a lot of the problems I was having with my thermostat. When I moved into my home, I had a lot of issues with the dial thermostat. At first I thought it was just an issue with that particular programmable thermostat, and so I bought another one. When that one proved to have the same issues, I assumed it was dud and bought a smart thermostat, known for being one of the best thermostats out there. However, my issues did not disappear, and it was then I accepted it might be my home or maybe they were working and I just didn’t realize it. I forget exactly how I found that the sun could affect your thermostat, but I think I was reading online when I came across someone else who was having the exact same experience as I was. It was like an ah-ha moment when I read that. I called a friend of mine who is a HVAC worker, and he told me the best spot to move the thermostat. I removed the smart thermostat and moved it in an entirely different location, one where the sun would not shine on it. And just like that, all of my problems disappeared, and my thermostat started working how it should work. I am so happy I read that now, otherwise I would still be stuck with a barely working thermostat.

heating and cooling equipment