The smell around town

We have this oil refinery in our local area that really stinks! Literally it stinks! It messes up the air quality all over town and in the city and it is a smell we all can not get away from.

We have all written and called the city governor to do something about it, and they have not done anything to date.

I think the place needs to either be shut down all together or have something done to stop the smell from seeping out all around the city and towns! Thankfully, HVAC technology invented something called a whole home air purification system in recent times which has proven to be my personal defence against this. Not everyone can afford a whole home air purification system, and those that can not buy portable air purification systems for their homes to fight off the bad air quality caused by this oil refinery. The whole home air purification system though is the best thing. It is an air purifier that runs through and with your central heating and air conditioning system. It comes through the air vents with the central heating or air conditioning. The whole home air purification system can also be ran on its own without the use of the central heating or cooling. You would just select the right setting you want on the thermostat. You can flip it to mix with the central heating and air conditioning or just select the air purifier button and you will get your whole indoor air cleaned. It is one of the best inventions in HVAC technology today I believe.

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