She was happy to have a portable air conditioning

Lisa has been living in her cottage for 5 years.

And in those 5 years, she has had numerous amazing and terrible experiences.

Her vision was always to leave the city and live somewhere serene. So when a position that was remote opened up in a different company, Lisa didn’t hesitate to make the switch. After a year, she managed to relocate to a rural area where she purchased the lovely cottage that came with 5 acres of land. The area is remote, but safe, and she can access fast internet connection. Lisa can wake up, take a walk or a jog or a hike, and then get to work in her small office. While she was prepared for the remoteness of the area, winter was a whole other matter. Her first winter, Lisa got to use the gas furnace that came with the cottage. Her real estate agent had mentioned about updating the gas furnace so she could be safe in winter. However, Lisa didn’t have the funds for a new heating system, so she opted to have the gas furnace serviced, then hoped it would hold up. The gas furnace did well for two months that winter. But by the third month, there were signs that it would fail. Fortunately, Lisa had a powerful space heater with her for just that time. The space heater saved her from enduring a frigid winter night when the gas furnace failed. Lisa had to use it on and off until she could afford to replace the frail gas furnace in her cottage. It took saving for the entire winter, spring, and summer. By fall the following year, Lisa had the money to get the job done.

hvac unit