She told me the wrong thing about the AC unit.

When I called the HVAC business, I wanted some information about changing the air filter in the air conditioning unit.

  • I had never changed the air filter before because our fiance used to do it for me.

Now that she is gone, I am left to do everything on our own. I considered calling our ex, but since she had to give me the home in the divorce, I didn’t recognize she would like coming over and showing me how to take care of it. When the HVAC serviceman showed up, she showed me how to change the air filter, but that is all she showed me. I needed to recognize where to find the air filters that I thought were in the house. When I couldn’t find them in the basement or pantry, I went outside into the garage. The garage housed our car, but every tool, including the a singles our father gave me, was gone. I was entirely upset, and I knew I had to call our ex, first, I called dad and asked him what she would do. She was so concerned about our ex taking our tools that she headed to her house. She asked our ex where the tools were, and she said I gave them to him. She then asked about the air filters. My dad was 6 inches taller and almost 100 pounds heavier, and our ex was afraid of him. She got every tool, multiple boxes of air filters, and various other things that were mine, and put them in the car. Dad shook her hand and walked out with a smile.

air conditioning business