My job might be installing a building automation system to save money

I sit in the back of the building at work in a corner office.

I love my office because it doesn’t get a lot of traffic, I assume because it is the last office before you get to the offices of all the Partners. We call it “executive row” and not many people venture over here to socialize. I don’t mind sitting near “executive row” because I sometimes get to hear exclusive information that has not yet been released to the rest of the company. Last week, while I was sitting in my office, I randomly overheard a conversation that Bill, who is one of the Partners, was having with one of his friends. I believe his friend is also a business owner because he was telling Bill about the new building automation system (BAS) that he just installed in his facility. At first, I didn’t know what he was talking about, but then he mentioned that he uses his BAS to control all the lights, security and fire system as well as the HVAC system. From what I gather, having a BAS is a way to simplify and better manage all the electrical systems in the building. Bill sounded interested as he mentioned that it would be a great way to conserve energy and it would cut down on high maintenance costs. We do spend a lot of money heating and cooling our office space, and we have a few thermostats that control the HVAC systems in our office building. It would make sense to consolidate all the HVAC controls under one network because it would save us money, and it sounds like Bill is considering getting the BAS system for that reason. Anything to save money is the ultimate goal.

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