My husband made our furnace problems worse

My husband always wants to try and fix the furnace himself whenever it tears up.

Inevitably, it tears up at least once a year, so I guess he thinks he has become somewhat of an expert when it comes to piercing the thing back together.

However, it’s a really old furnace and it has a lot of issues. I think that he’s just trying to keep putting band aids on it to keep from having to purchase a new one. He is really cheap, and everyone who knows him knows it. He never wants to call a professional heating cooling provider to come out and fix the furnace when it goes on the blink. That’s not because he knows how to fix himself. It’s really only because he doesn’t want to have to pay a professional HVAC technician to fix it for him. I can appreciate the fact that he wants to try and save money and be a good steward of our finances, but I hate the fact that he is so cheap. Sometimes you just need to have an HVAC professional come to your house. I feel like the last time that our furnace tore up was one of these times. The problem was that the heating system was running all the time but the house wasn’t really getting much warmer. My husband took his tool box and went down to the basement to the furnace room and started tinkering around. By the time he was finished, the heating system wasn’t running at all and the house actually started getting colder by the minute!

Furnace filter