My brother was a terrible HVAC student, but an amazing HVAC technician.

The entire time my brother was in HVAC school, I never expected him to graduate, let alone become one of the best HVAC technicians in our area.

I would study with him every night and I was learning so much while studying with him that I chose to go to HVAC technical school.

He had such a difficult time trying to understand what he was reading, that I began giving him oral quizzes on what he was learning. We would go through the book with me reading to him and asking questions. After a couple of hours, he had everything imbedded in his brain, and he was able to focus on his class the next day. Once he got done with the book portion of his classes, he was doing fine, but he needed that little push while reading. When he came home one afternoon, he told me he passed his final exam, and his next task was to get his certification class and pass that exam. We had a long week of cramming for his certification class and taking the test. Although he knew all the answers on the HVAC test, he still wasn’t comprehending the reading part. I told him he needed to talk to the HVAC instructor and explain how he freaked out when he had to take tests. I said he needed to let them know that when under stress, he couldn’t remember what he had read, unless someone read it to him. He was far from illiterate, but his ADD would reared its head when he was reading something and had to remember it.