Mowing season

I prefer the Summer time. Everything about it is superior to the other seasons. I prefer the moderate weather, the relaxed attitudes, as well as enjoying all the seasonal refreshments while lounging outdoors. The extra sunlight is amazing, as well as I stay so much more active thanks to the added hours of afternoonlight. The only thing about Summer that doesn’t agree with me is the constantly growing grass, which requires constant mowing to keep it manageable. My good friend and I have a good mower, so I don’t mind the labor acquaintanced with it, the problem is that I’m harshly allergic to all the grass pollen that gets stirred up as well as passed into the home through the Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C system, however all season I’m coughing as well as sneezing, especially every time the a/c kicks into gear… Obviously, A/C is something I can’t live separate from, so I was stuck between a rock as well as a strenuous location. I was just about at my wits end when a friend mentioned this current filtration system he had installed on his heating as well as cooling system at home. I called my Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C supplier the next afternoon, as well as they confirmed that adding a current filtration system would easily enhance my indoor air quality, separate from impacting the performance of the cooling system. I had the installation completed as soon as possible, as well as it has made all the difference in the world, but now I can comfortably prefer a perfectly air conditioned home all Summer long separate from itchy eyes or a scratchy throat. If only they could similarly improve the air quality outdoors, I wouldn’t be held back by my allergies all season long.

a/c care plan