Might have to turn the AC on because it’s hot

I can’t really believe that it is November and I may need to turn on my air conditioner device.

Last year this time it was almost snowing and I was running the central heating regularly.

This year is an odd story as we may have a delayed winter time on our hands. My cats are pretty glad about this because they do not love the venue being too hot, as they are both angora cats and have a lot of thick fur. Next week I am taking them to the local contractor to get fixed, and they entirely will not be too thrilled about that. I have a possible roommate coming tomorrow to look at the venue and I need to make sure I clean the HEPA filter this week, because I do not want them to be sneezing when they come into my household or they may just walk right on out. I have to train somebody later this week on the beach and then I’m going to play music with my buddy Lisa once again. Lisa had a bad day the other day because she found out she might be losing her job at the heating and cooling device corporation, and this is her main income so she might be in trouble with money soon. I could always let her stay with me for a few weeks if she needed to, so she can rest easy knowing that! She’s pretty good at working on Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C devices, so I can have her work on mine and she can use that system to pay the rent while she stays here.


Heating equipment