I’m helping with the kids’ holiday event at church

I’m going to be helping with the kids’ holiday at church this year and I think it’s going to be a whole lot of fun.

  • We have been planning it for a couple of months now, and we have decided to have a bouncy house, along with pony rides and a lot of fun crafts for the kids.

The only issue that we might end up having is the heating situation in our family area. We have a great big family gym area where we do lots of events for families and children in our area. That’s one of the things that I really like about our church. They are big on outreach. Anyway, we are supposed to be having this event inside of the gym area but recently the heating system in the gym area stopped working. We’ve known that it’s been on the blink for a few days now, but we have not been able to get in touch with our local commercial HVAC company who does heating and cooling repairs for us. If we are not able to get an appointment with the commercial HVAC company, I don’t know what we are going to do about the event. We can’t exactly have a bunch of kids and their families inside the gym when there is no heating! It’s going to be really cold here this year around Christmas, and I just don’t think that we will be able to do it if our furnace is not working. I’m hoping that the commercial HVAC company gets back in touch with us in the next few days, or we are going to have to figure something else out.


I’m helping with the kids’ holiday event at church