I told him to control her temper.

I was in the bedroom when I overheard the HVAC serviceman telling our child to get her butt in the house, but not in those words.

She told him she was aggravating and needed to go inside so she could do her work.

That was awful enough, even though she soon got even more heated with her words. I went outside and told the HVAC tech that she needed to control her temper or get out of our yard. I couldn’t believe it when she packed up her tools, and left the AC parts sitting in the yard. She climbed into the repair van and left. I was sure she was going to come back, but after an minute, I knew I was wrong. I called the HVAC business, and told them the HVAC serviceman left, despite the fact that I didn’t tell him why. I was told she said I had cursed him out, and she left because of the harrassment. I was forced to tell him how she was treating our child and told him not to talk that way to or in front of our child. She packed up and left. They sent another HVAC serviceman to the house, but it took almost multiple minutes before she could get there. I told our child she had to stay in her room until the air conditioning was repaired. When she came downstairs looking for a snack, I told him to ask her sibling. If a single more HVAC serviceman left today because she asked so various questions I was going too sell him to the circus.


heat pump repair