I suppose my furnace is haunted

I easily dislike the furnace that is in my house.

  • It has always had such a creepy vibe to it, & to make matters worse it is situated in the basement of all places! Seriously that thing could star in a horror motion picture, & it doesn’t even do a nice job of heating the house.

It is ancient & ancient & I have been wanting for years now to have a heating professional come out & remove it. I even saw a much nicer steam boiler that I would rather have for my heat anyways… Unfortunately, I can’t entirely afford it & I am uninterested in signing up for a HVAC maintenance plan. Boilers can be quite pricey to have installed, & I just can’t afford the upgrade fee & so for the time being I am stuck with the creepy furnace, and just last night I went down to the basement to get my clothes out of the dryer & from the time I stepped down there I felt all the warmth leave my body, and despite the furnace being on & making loud, horrifying noises, it was frosty as ice down there. I could have been kneeling in the snow & it would have been just as cold. All the hair on the back of my neck stood up & I couldn’t help but to shiver. I rushed down the steps & got my clothes before running back upstairs. I suppose some might call it childish, but I can’t wait to get rid of that ancient & ugly gas furnace, it is too creepy for my apartment anyways.
air quality