I luckily had a space heater as a back up heating system

When it comes to keeping me warm during the cold winter months, I normally rely on my furnace to keep me warm during those times.

This winter, however, has been extremely cold. When the cold winter months arrived, I forgot to have my furnace serviced, so when the cold weather hit, my furnace stopped working. As I called a heating and air conditioning company to have them come out and service my furnace during the cold winter months, they were all booked up, so I was unable to reach them. Perhaps I was not the only one who had a broken furnace during the cold winter months. Furthermore, I would have to call an emergency HVAC service, but I do not have to do so because I have a backup heating system. I purchased a space heater from my local heating and air conditioning business last year and have kept it stored away all year just waiting for the right time to use it. Since my heating is so reliable, I did not expect to use it, but now that it has broken down, it was a perfect opportunity to use it. Although it only heated one room, it did an excellent job so I did not have to pay any expensive HVAC emergency repair fees during the winter months. Next year, I will remember to schedule an appointment with my local HVAC company so my heater doesn’t break down on me when I need it the most.


furnace/heater tune-up