I did learn to love the rope

I remember when I was a boy I hated jumping rope.

The gym teacher would whip out a big bag full of ropes.

There were three different colored ropes that all had plastic beads on them. If you missed plus got hit by the rope, it hurt a lot. The ropes ranged in three sizes but I neer knew which size to take. The gym teacher would then sit at his desk and read his book while the group of us were supposed to jump rope. I entirely hated it. The next time I jumped rope was an adult. I am part of a group fitness class that does a heavy cardio based workout three afternoons a week. Our fitness instructor decided to introduce jumping rope. I wasn’t triumphant at first. Thankfully the certified fitness expert knew what he was doing. First thing he did was size us to the rope. Apparently size is genuinely pressing with a jump rope. Too short plus you can’t get over it. Too long plus you trip on the rope. He started us with a lightweight rope plus only did it for 5 minutes. Slowly our class has gotten better. The people I was with and I now have three weird weighted ropes plus do a variety of tricks. I can hop on a single foot, turn, run plus double jump. The personal trainer has us frequently stop to do burpees, push ups plus other drills during it. I adore jumping rope now, it is such a great cardio workout. I feel super exhausted after only about 20 minutes of jumping. My goal is to be able to do a solid hour of jumping.

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