I am Dying for a Burger King Hamburger One Day Soon

One of the drawbacks of living in a small beach village is we don’t have any fast food joints around.

  • Maybe this is a good thing because of health reasons, but I would just love a nice McDonald’s or Burger King burger just once.

I can still remember vividly the taste of them and I know they still taste exactly the same now. Maybe I can make my own burger similar to theirs but why bother when I could just go buy one in the next city near me. I wonder if eating burgers is bad for you once a week? Anyways, today is the day for cleaning my heater and furnace and also removing all of the HEPA filters in my air conditioner and cleaning them. We like to stay on top of the maintenance of these units to assure that they will continue to operate efficiently for us. I taught my girlfriend how to clean our air purifier and HEPA filters so I don’t have to do it all of the time. She is quite good at these things and learns quickly once I show her how it’s done. We have a good residential HVAC company that has specials on cleaning the air conditioner and heater so we like to use them too sometimes. I think I will take her out for a burger at a fancy restaurant this weekend to celebrate us cleaning the filters this week. We may also go to the cooling and heating store down the block and look at some new heating units for next year.
air quality