HVAC filters and air purifiers are different things

I understand the basic premise behind HVAC air filters, but there were quite a few things that I did not understand about HVAC air filters until recently.

One misconception I had is that an HVAC air filter has something to do with the air quality in your home.

HVAC air filters do not purify the air in your home at all. Instead, they are designed to keep your HVAC system itself clean. If the air filter for your HVAC system is dirty, it does not necessarily mean that the air in your home will become very dirty. What it means is that the internal components of your HVAC system will eventually get very dirty and break down, because the air within the system is not being properly filtered of all of those contaminants. Another thing that I did not know about HVAC filters until recently is that they are more effective based on how thick they are. For example, an HVAC filter that is a mere one inch thick may need to be replaced once a month or once every two months. On the other hand, an HVAC filter that is four inches thick may only need to be replaced twice a year, depending on the circumstances in the home. An air purification system or air filtration system for the indoor air quality of your home is an entirely different device that needs to be installed by a professional. If you are concerned about the air quality in your home, don’t look to your HVAC filter for answers, look to an air purification system. Your local HVAC company should be able to assist you.


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