Getting out of the commercial HVAC of the office for romance

I was stunned to see my husband walk right into the zone controlled HVAC of where I work.

Immediately, my mind sort of went to panic mode because this was highly, highly unusual for him to come to my office. And to show up unannounced was pretty much unheard of really. But my instant near freak out melted away pretty quickly when I saw his face. Not only was he beaming and looking right at me, he looked really good. My husband is the sort that cleans up really well. But he just doesn’t do it all that often. When he came right up to my desk and pulled me close for a hug and a kiss, I knew for sure that there wasn’t an emergency. Yet, the idea of my man showing up inside the commercial HVAC of my office was still such a puzzle. The boss walked out about then and told me to have a great time. I had no clue what he was talking about since I had meetings and stuff scheduled for later that afternoon inside the zone controlled HVAC of the office. But she told me she has all that covered and to just go have fun. That’s when my husband helped me get my stuff together, took me by the hand and walked me to his car. From there, we cranked the air conditioning and set off on a three hour ride to a surprise. The whole way I had no clue where we’d end up. But since he had packed me a bag, I knew we weren’t coming home tonight. We ended up at a romantic inn with a renown spa. And we enjoyed the wonderful quality heating and air of the honeymoon suite for four glorious days.


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