Every one of us were in the Bahamas when a hurricane hit.

My best neighbor and I went on a trip to the Bahamas.

  • Every one of us had saved for over a year to get enough cash to get a small bungalow on the beach.

Wethought it was going to be the most amazing trip the people I was with and I would ever take, except for when I went on our honeymoon. This was to be our last friend’s hurrah before I got married. Every one of us followed the weather reports for the month before the people I was with and I were to get on the plane, and it looked appreciate it was going to be perfect weather the entire week. When the people I was with and I arrived at the airport in the Bahamas, there was a flurry of activity. They were expecting a tropical storm, and they were putting up sand bags to keep the beach from eroding. They said it shouldn’t affect our trip for more than a day or two, except for higher tides. Every one of us had an entire month in this paradise, and the people I was with and I didn’t care to miss a day or two. When the storm came in, but, it was a category 1 hurricane with a lot of rain and wind. The power was knocked out on most of the island, and the people I was with and I didn’t have any a/c. The un-even temperatures were comfortable, but the humidity was outrageous. Without a/c, the people I was with and I weren’t getting any sleep, and the people I was with and I couldn’t go out because of the rain. They brought pressing umbrellas to our bungalow so the people I was with and I could get to the kitchen for food, but without power, they couldn’t cook, so the people I was with and I had sandwiches for many days in a row. I never thought anything could ruin our Bahamas trip, but lack of a/c almost did.
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