Ductwork cleaning was on doctor’s orders

When I went to the doctor, I certainly didn’t figure on coming home with orders to call the HVAC company.

But that’s just what my doctor tole me on my last visit.

The last couple of years, I have spent more time inside the central air conditioning of our home than ever before. Of course, this is due to the fact that we were all trying to get through the pandemic. For me, it was particularly stressful since I predisposed for high risk Covid due to a genetic health condition. So I had to be like super vigilant. I literally went nowhere but the store prior to getting vaccinated. And even then, I only ventured into the commercial HVAC of the grocery store as soon as the doors opened in the morning. So when I first came down with a chest cold this summer, I went straight for the Covid test. I was most pleased to repeatedly test negative for the virus. Yet, the cold just wouldn’t completely go away and that went on for more than a month. That’s what led me to see the doctor. She examined me and asked me what I thought were some pretty random questions about our HVAC at home. The doctor figured that the indoor air quality in our home was really poor and that’s why my cold wouldn’t completely go away. She suggested that I call the HVAC company to have them come out to do the ductwork cleaning and ductwork resealing. And that’s all it took to seriously improve our indoor air quality. I even upgraded to a HEPA air filter to help keep it that way.

new hvac technology