Clean air quality

Having clean air to breathe is a key factor in maintaining good health.

My friend Amy and I have lived in southern Asia for almost five years now.

We both have great jobs, and we really enjoy living in a foreign country and exploring new places. Amy is super creative, and she likes studying the architecture of the old city we live in. My passion is cooking, and I love to try new foods from the vendors on the sides of the streets. When we are together, we enjoy sightseeing. We have visited many ancient places throughout the years that we have lived in Asia. One thing that neither Amy nor I was prepared for is the air pollution. Although the city we live in isn’t very large, there are two larger cities surrounding us, and they both create large amounts of air pollution. For this reason, Amy and I have been looking into buying air purifiers for our apartment. We found a few that have really good reviews, and they look like they would do a great job. I personally think that we should purchase one of these air purifiers, but Amy has another idea. She wants to instal an air purification system throughout the entire apartment. I think this is a great idea, but it is much more expensive than purchasing a couple individual air purifiers. I have tried to talk her out of her idea because of the expense, but she thinks that it is worth the expense, and that we would be risking our health if we don’t instal a purifier throughout the entire apartment. Whichever air purification system we choose, I will be thankful to have clean air to breathe, and I’m sure my health will thank me too.


heating and cooling service