Can’t seem to get help with thermostat at home

Sometimes when I hear myself sounding exactly the way my old man did, it makes me cringe.

Well, I’ve been sounding that way for some time now about the HVAC equipment.

My family seems to believe that heating and cooling is just constant and is as free as the air. Granted, heating and cooling has everything to do with air but it sure ain’t free. But this appears to mean nothing to anyone else in my family. Even my wife is guilty of jacking the thermostat all over the place and then forgetting about it. And I have gone on and on about the cost of HVAC heating and cooling. And I have gone on and on about easing the load on the HVAC equipment so it lasts. It’s like I’m talking to myself because all I hear are echos. Finally, I just stopped talking. All my requests fell on completely deaf ears. So what’s the point. Still, I wasn’t going to deal with the way the thermostat was being abused. And there was no way that I was going to continue to spend and waste the money we were spending on HVAC costs. So I called the HVAC company. I figured that I wasn’t the only dad out there with this problem. Indeed, I wasn’t the only one. The HVAC professional suggested putting in a smart thermostat. There is a way to lock everyone out but me. Before I hung up the phone, I made an appointment to have the smart thermostat installed.


Wireless thermostat