Building custom furniture out of wood

One of my friends is actually creative when it comes to building custom furniture out of pallets! Last week, he invited me over for wine as well as dinner to celebrate his current task.

Lauren is consistently looking for a reason to celebrate, so I knew that it would be fun… Plus, I was actually thrilled for his for landing his dream task so early into his work, and on my drive over to his house, I thought about all of the cool crafts my buddy and I used to make in university, then he was my university roommate as well as most of the furniture my buddy and I had was custom built by her. She was in the sculpture program at our school as well as had a way of building custom furniture out of anything, and when I arrived at his house, I wanted to know what kind of projects he had been working on. All of the furniture in his property was built by herself as well as his husband! They are quite the power couple when it comes to creativity, however his creative style paired with his woodworking skills makes for a particular style as well as a lot of quality, custom furniture! His newest project was building custom outdoor patio furniture for their current home. She built a custom sofa, root budweiser table as well as grill rest all from outdated pallets. The backyard was just their style… It is so superb to see two creative minds come together to create a space that is the perfect combination of the two of them.



Southwest style