Baking and cooling

I have the biggest sweet tooth ever.

  • I’ve had a soft spot for sweets my entire life.

My mom told me that even as a toddler I would choose sweets over any other food. Recently, I’ve had to cut back on my sweets because of health issues, but that doesn’t keep me from baking. Thankfully, I have found many recipes that call for little to no sugar, and they still taste great. I don’t think that I could count how many hours I spend in the kitchen each year. When I get together with my friends, we spend most of our time baking. If I already have baked goods for my family, I bake for my neighbors and people in my church. If I could sum up what I do each day in one word, it would be “baking.” With all this baking comes hours upon hours spent in the kitchen. I don’t mind being in my kitchen now because my husband just had a brand new AC unit installed in there. Before I had the AC, the kitchen would get really hot and stuffy. For years, I baked in this uncomfortable temperature simply because I wasn’t willing to spend the money on an air conditioner. Last week, my husband walked into the kitchen to give me a kiss before he left for a meeting. As soon as he felt the temperature, he freaked out. He was always at work when I did my baking, so he never realized just how warm the kitchen got. He couldn’t believe that I could work in such a hot room. I explained to him that I was used to it, and that is didn’t bother me. He simply wouldn’t hear it, and he had a new AC unit installed for me the very next day. Although I was used to the temperature of the kitchen, I am so thankful for a loving husband who takes good care of me. Now my kitchen is cool all the time, even when I’m baking.


air conditioning filter