Author: admin

It was finally time to replace the furnace

For me, last week was not a good week. Since I lost my job, I’ve not only been struggling, but I also had to replace my furnace. I was aware that my furnace was getting on in age and would need to be replaced soon. I didn’t expect to need to replace it so quickly. […]

My ductwork is almost prepared for cleaning

I adore my heating and cooling system, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t take it too seriously My morning coffee and the radio are both things I’m doing as I get out of bed. Consequently, I’m preparing to have my ductwork cleaned today. It seems like it’s taking me forever to actually schedule a […]

Attempting to avoid paying HVAC service fees

After spending a long time in the same hot environment, I’ve finally decided that enough is enough and am moving to a much cooler location. When I first moved to the south, I believed it would be simpler for me, but I soon discovered that it has been more difficult. I absolutely detested how frequently […]

Appreciating the fireplace in our new home

The fireplace in our new house is something I adore. I specifically sought to have this fireplace installed in our home because I have always wanted one and I adore the way they look. It did not come with our home. But because I had so many options, it was challenging for me to choose […]

I had no idea the air ducts were so dirty

My air ducts need more attention, so I should start doing that. I would have had my air ducts cleaned much sooner if I had known how filthy they were, but there was a problem. I was unaware of how filthy my air ducts really were. When my heating and cooling system started to malfunction, […]

How come the HVAC technician is taking so long?

I’m not sure what’s going on with the heating and air conditioning industry, but last Tuesday I scheduled a heating and air conditioning appointment, and the heating and cooling guy never even showed up. Now that it is Thursday, I had to reschedule my appointment for heating and air conditioning, and the HVAC company provided […]

Radiant heated flooring transforms a house

I firmly believe that if your home doesn’t have radiant heated floors, you simply are unaware of what you’re missing. The previous summer, I had radiant heat in my house. Because it is already hot outside, installing radiant heating in your home during the summer may seem strange. After all, why would you need to […]

In the box was the missing air conditioner

My friends have consistently urged me to go out on the weekends but when I moved into a new apartment, unpacking took up a significant portion of my weekend time. I only became aware that I had too much stuff when I started the unpacking process and that I would have to get rid of […]