Adding equipment to home gym

I needed to Google how to use them and proper posture to avoid injury

I live too far from an organized gym to make a membership worthwhile. The weather in my local area makes it just about impossible to workout outside. I’ve needed to set up a home gym. I am fortunate that I have a decent sized room that I can devote entirely to my exercise equipment. There’s plenty of room for a couple of bigger machines. I can still have enough square footage to go through different series of jumping jacks, mountain climbers, squats and lunges. I’ve invested into an incline bench that doesn’t take up much space yet increases the intensity and benefits of doing crunches. I’m able to easily adjust the severity of the incline and target both upper and lower abdominal muscles. I’ve added a miniature trampoline that provides a great cardio workout without hard impact on my joints. I can increase my heart rate and work my lungs but avoid aches and pains in my ankles, knees and feet. The trampoline is very small yet I can perform a wide variety of exercises on it. Every time I buy a new piece of equipment, it renews my excitement and motivation. I tend to work harder and longer. I get more out of the training session. When I added kettlebells, I couldn’t wait to mess around with them. When I bought a new jump rope, I jumped every single day for two weeks. I recently purchased a set of battle ropes. I needed to Google how to use them and proper posture to avoid injury. They are extremely exhausting yet really rewarding.
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