Saving money with outdoor temperature reset

Outdoor temperature reset controls is an energy-saving heating concept, tested on and approved by several government agencies as the most effective method to save energy! Users of outdoor reset controls, coupled with particular boilers, qualify for some tax rebates and incentives, if your building is heated by the use of a hot water boiler.

In that case, the boiler will maintain a specified water temperature all year round, usually between 160°F and 200°F, the outside weather conditions notwithstanding, this will result in renters feeling much warmer while in fall and spring. However, your space temperature will be less hot in the cold winter months due to the faster energy escape in severely low temperatures. Outdoor reset controls respond to weather swings by changing the temperature of the boiler water circulating throughout your building. It sends cooler water out to your heating and A/C method while I was in warmer outdoor weather conditions and sends warmer water to your building while I was in cooler outdoor weather conditions. The outdoor reset controls then control the amount of energy getting into your building based on your outdoor temperature by changing the boiler water temperature. This provides an almost perfect equilibrium where the energy getting into your building is equivalent to the energy getting out, as a result, you will maintain a steady indoor temperature throughout the year and save significant utility bills, for every 4°F, your boiler water temperature is lowered, there is a 1% energy savings. The reset ratio is a regulation that allows you to accomplish the equilibrium between your heat input plus your heat loss for optimum energy saving.

Air quality systems