Repairing the heating system myself

I actually wanted to repair the Heating, Ventilation and A/C system at my apartment myself when it tore up last month.

I am on a mission to get out of debt and paying for an extravagant boiler repair is not a nice way to help with that, that’s for sure! If it had happened a month later, I absolutely would have just let it go and not repaired the boiler until next fall.

However, around here, the weather does not even start heating up until the end of March. I knew that there was no way that I would be able to live without a working boiler until then because I still had about seven weeks to go before the rapidly changing temperatures started creeping up. I observed that the boiler wasn’t working properly one morning when I woke up and I could basically see my breath in the house. It was so cold that I finally ended up turning the electric furnace, that I keep for emergencies, on in the bedroom while I got ready for work. I never use that thing, but it’s a nice thing that I had it that morning. The temperature was in the 40s that morning, and with the wind chill in our area, it felt a whole lot colder than that! Anyway, I figured out later that the boiler was on the fritz and as difficult as I tried to repair the issue myself, I could not figure it out. I finally called to make an appointment with my local heating and cooling corp because it just had to be done.

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