Planning out a week

I have to write nine more articles this week and then another 45 minutes of work online before my weekend starts.

I also have to go food shopping at 3:30pm when it is slow and get my food for the week.

My associate and I are playing tunes this week by this big church at 5pm and I need to get ready for that too. I think I can get this writing work done and the other work online in about an hour and a half if I stay focused, and after that we will do my yoga and hit the store for food. Air conditioning is going to be needed soon as the winter is dwindling suddenly and my heating hasn’t been used for weeks now. It is still February but the temps are going up quite suddenly and I feel that winter is already coming to an end now. I still use the fireplace now and then, but wood is getting precious now and I don’t need more heating in my flat now that the temps are going up. I want to try and just open my windows to stay cool for the next couple of months so that my power bills don’t eat me alive. I think I can make it with just a fan each morning and not run my cooling system until June. At least it uses less power than trying to stay sizzling in the wintertime, as I discovered this past winter with my deranged high power bills. I didn’t know that the electric boiler uses a lot more power than the a/c.

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