My ductwork is a bit crazy

Oh well, at least my programmable thermostat isn’t afraid of keeping us all cozy in the home here while we watch our gas fireplace flicker in the living room

I need to get my work done in the next hour so that I can go shopping while the store is slow. The best time is mid afternoon after all of the older folks are done shopping in the morning and before all of the workers come invade the stores after they finish working. I will get my food for the week, for about a total of $60 or so, and I’ll be set for another seven days of my life. Wow life is really going by so fast, I hope you are enjoying the short ride we’re on. Ductwork cleaning and sealing is a good distraction, but I know I won’t be an HVAC tech much longer as I am retiring soon and calling it quits. Just try to be happy and enjoy your youth because it slips away like a leaf in the wind and one day you’ll wake up old like me. I like being a heating tech and working on air purifiers and air ducts, but I still feel like my life is coming to an end and I haven’t done all of the things that I really wanted to do out of fear. Oh well, at least my programmable thermostat isn’t afraid of keeping us all cozy in the home here while we watch our gas fireplace flicker in the living room. I have a passion for music and like to listen to it by the fire while I read a book or just play with the cats. I’m off now to go clean the furnace filter and then go for a run.

radiant heater