I didn’t realize how expensive HVAC school was.

I thought that if you wanted to go to HVAC school and get your certification, all you needed to do was sign up for classes. I was going there so I could get a job, and somehow I mistakenly thought the HVAC company I worked for would pay for the school. In one way, I was right in the way the HVAC company would pay for my school, but it wasn’t right away. If I got through my apprenticeship, I would get a higher pay and end up making money to recoup what I had spent in school. I just couldn’t go in and have them pay for my classes. The only way that happened was if my dad owned the HVAC company, or if I previously worked for the HVAC company before going to school. You had to have an ‘in’ with the HVAC company if you expected them to pay for your HVAC certification. I didn’t realize how expensive HVAC school was until I signed up for the classes. I had to pay up front, and the only way I could do that was if my dad helped me with the tuition. I went home and told him I was interested in being an HVAC technician. He asked how much it was going to cost, and I told him. He asked how much money I had in the bank, and all I could say was that I didn’t have enough. When I went back to the school the next Monday, dad went with me. He told me he would pay the rest of the tuition, but I had to promise I would do all his HVAC work for a year.


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