How keen are you with your a/c install

Due to certain health conditions I am always contemplating how to make the best out of my air conditioning system to protect my health and that of my family.

I am very cautious of my well-being and was no exception.

I gave the a/c workman a call to come and check if the a/c install unit was working well and if no bacteria and pollutants were circulating. I also ordered the latest air conditioning filter to ensure quality indoor air. I wanted to replace the washable filter with a HEPA one since I had read somewhere that it was better, given the world’s condition. Then I ordered air purification to make my house germ and virus-free. Living where heat waves are a norm during summer, I asked the a/c workman to carry out a/c care regularly on the a/c installation. Last summer, I needed an urgent a/c repair, and I had to wait 24 hours since the service providers were unavailable for the day. To avoid such an occurrence, I ensured that I had an a/c rep service the cooling products yearly. I could not have the dual fuel system failing during one of those extreme weather days. I was currently using a digital thermostat that worked well with the quality HVAC equipment, so I was in no hurry to replace it with an intelligent thermostat that a colleague could not stop praising. She had even shown me the app on her phone that she uses to change the temperature in the different rooms in her house. She had purchased a new HVAC with a higher SEER rating to replace her old one. On the other hand, I had no idea what the rating on my a/c.

Cooling and heating provider