Heating tune up deal

They are running a heating tune up special at the Heating, Ventilation and A/C company where I work.

It’s funny because I have been working here at this heating and cooling company for the past five years, but this is the first time that I can remember them ever offering a heating tune up special. It’s a different time of year to be offering a heating tune up special, too, in my opinion. I mean, right now is when the weather is absolutely heating up for the Springtime. My boss told me that this is the best time of year to do a heating tune up special, though. She says that once the winter time is over, it’s a nice time to go through HVAC units to check to see if any parts need to be repaired or substituted. She says that it’s better to do it now than in the fall when the weather is cooling down again and you might need to be running the boiler. I know that makes sense, because I definitely don’t need to run the boiler right now. The weather has been super warm here over the past week, so running the boiler at my apartment hasn’t even been on my mind! My friend and I are already switching over to the central cooling system at my house! Meanwhile, I’m supposed to be helping to advertise the heating tune up special from the Heating, Ventilation and A/C company where I work. it’s just kind of weird to me. I know it’s just bad timing in my opinion. However, I know my boss knows what he’s doing, as he’s been in this corp for a truly long time.


