Heat Exhaustion in Kids is Common

I abruptly got some chilly water & turned up my air conditioning system, making sure my little one was close to the fan

Children are especially vulnerable when it comes to sunshine exposure & can genuinely suffer from heat exhaustion when they are away from a/c. When this happens, these young singles can show many symptoms that are easy to ignore. Spending too much time under the sun can be dangerous to young ones because they develop headaches, become weak, & become nauseated. In some cases, they develop general body achiness & have a weak pulse. When ignored, children can quickly develop drastic complications that can be life threatening if not taken care of. Last summer time was a startling experience for me when my girl went out to play as usual. However, she was looking flushed & was drowsy until I brought her into the condo when she was looking pitiful. I abruptly got some chilly water & turned up my air conditioning system, making sure my little one was close to the fan. A few tenths later, she slowly regained her coloring & slowly took some water as she was dehydrated. I later took her to the ER & the nurse told me that she should stay in cool environments, preferably with an AC, for a few weeks at least.



Heat pump service