First Summer separate from air conditioning

It’s been a whole new world for me the last 9 or 10 months.

Having grown up & lived all of my life way down south, I got my first full bite of winter this year.

And it still has left a bitter taste in my mouth… Just for the record, I hate this sort of Winter! Until just this year, I hadn’t even seen a gas heating system much less used one. But nice Lord, I used that gas heating system like it was a lifeline for five months. I moved up here in late September which was gorgeous. The fall was spectacular. That is until it wasn’t. I remember feeling that first cold wind of late September. From there, it was a blur of heating from the gas heating system & me just trying to put one foot in front of the other. I’m still not quite sure just how I was able to get through that situation. But I did & I’m thankful to now be in the thick of Summer. For sure, I’m not looking forward to another winter however this kind of Summer is amazing. This is also the first time that I don’t have any air conditioning from a heat pump. The house I purchased does have a window air conditioner upstairs. That’s very kind of nice to have some cooling as it can get kind of stuffy up in the family room. But honestly, I don’t even leave it on all evening. Most evenings cool off to the point I have to pull up the comforter to stay warm. That sure didn’t happen where I’m from. I’m going to appreciate every last moment of this perfect Summer weather. That’s because I know that I’m going to get whacked with the cold again before too much longer.

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