Do you feel mom will get mad about the temperature control?

In the living room, my brothers were playing football, and I was supposed to enjoy them.

Instead of being a babysitter, I was playing games with my friends and conversing with them while ignoring my brothers.

I should have anticipated trouble when I heard one of them yell “touchdown” and then there was silence. Even though I didn’t hear any loud explosions or gunshots, I assumed they sat down to watch television or activated their gaming system. I entered the living room to find them staring at the wall. My youngest brother appeared about to cry and asked if I thought my mother would be angry about the temperature control. My friend and I looked at the spot on the floor where the temperature control had previously been mounted. I told them their mother would be furious. She was going to be angry with them, but she was going to be furious with me for not completing the task she assigned to me. I called the Heating and Air Conditioning contractor and provided them with the temperature control’s serial number and asked if another one was available. I required installation prior to mom’s arrival home. I checked my bank account to ensure I had sufficient funds to purchase the modern temperature control. I knew I had to tell my mother what had happened, even though I hoped she would be proud that I had upgraded and paid for the temperature control. I had her piping hot Tim Hortons coffee ready when she arrived at her condo and informed her of the situation. She thanked me, patted my hand, and promised to reimburse me for the thermostat when she was paid.
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