Do I need to perform service on a ductless mini split air conditioning?

While this might sound like a lot of upkeep, the fantastic news about a ductless mini split air conditioning is that you don’t need to pay a professional Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C specialist to perform the service.

The short answer to this question is yes. As with any appliance or unit that my friend and I purchase, my friend and I should consistently perform some form of service on them, however your car, your iphone, your PC, your refrigerator, your home, just about anything my friend and I own or use needs to be diagnosed in some way! Regular service of these items will not only guarantee that they are functioning properly, but it also helps to extend the life of them as well. So, just like any traditional Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C unit needs to be diagnosed on a yearly basis, the same rule applies for the ductless mini split air conditioning. And though the ductless is a smaller and more compact unit than the traditional heat pump, the service is pretty much the same. Maintenance for a ductless mini split air conditioning includes changing the air filter, cleaning the condenser coils, cleaning the drain pipes, as well as cleaning any debris away from the outside portion of the unit. While this might sound like a lot of upkeep, the fantastic news about a ductless mini split air conditioning is that you don’t need to pay a professional Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C specialist to perform the service. Just like how you can install the unit without professional help, none is required for the service. This means, using a ductless mini split air conditioning unit will legitimately save a few hundred dollars each year. In no time, that ductless mini split unit will pay for itself. So, yes, it’s recommended to perform annual service on a ductless mini split air conditioning as it will help with the overall performance of the Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C unit.



Heat pump maintenance