Author: admin

I saw the HVAC ad on television.

I know some people swear by the advertisements they see on television. I have heard that people wouldn’t advertise so wildly if they didn’t have a good business. On the other hand, I have heard that people who advertise too much, are trying to sell a lesser product. I didn’t know which it was, but […]

Hope was all I had for the HVAC company.

Within six months, I was ready to hire HVAC technicians again When I first opened the HVAC company, I was happy with what I was doing. I had a lot of customers in the first couple of years, and I had to double the amount of technicians and the equipment we had. Everyone was happy […]

I wished I had found the FAQs page earlier.

I was tired of asking my husband how to change air filters. I was also tired of constantly trying to figure out how to tell the HVAC company what was wrong with the furnace or air conditioning unit. I tried emulating the sounds I heard, but it never sounded the same as what I was […]

He told me to get a job or move out.

My brother always told me that if I ever needed anything, I could count on him. I counted on him to give me some place to live when my dad kicked me out for not getting a job. I thought he was joking when he said I had a month to get a job after […]

A homeowner’s HVAC class?

Last month, I was looking for some information about our HVAC company. I heard they had added some new HVAC services, and I was curious what other services there were. After spending an hour perusing the HVAC website, I found some other information that caught my attention. They offered an online homeowner’s calls for anyone […]

Cousin Brenan saves the day with timely AC repairs

Summer weekends were fun and exciting for the Collins family as everyone gathered together. This time round, we were meeting at aunt Suzy’s place. She was the matriarch of the family and we all loved her. She was getting older and everyone wanted to spend as much time as possible with her. We walked in […]

Everything you need to know about HVAC filter changes

The argument started when Paul suggested that filter changes should only happen after every 3 months. It was interesting to hear the opinions of everyone around. As the only trained HVAC professional in the group, I was not quick to refuse or accept any of the claims. Every one of my clients was right to […]

Helping my mother choose the right HVAC contractor

It’s not easy dealing with the elderly after they reach a certain age. My mother can be difficult because she prefers things done a certain way. Her perfectionist nature does not help matters too. It was a big challenge to get her to change to a new HVAC contractor after Mr. Simon retired to tour […]