Customer service is very important in business

I tell all of my clients that customer service is important to me. I think that customer service is one of the best ways to ensure that a business will be successful. When customers are happy, they come back. It’s like that for many different types of businesses. If you go to a restaurant or diner and you like the food and the service, you are very likely to go back. If you go to the mechanic and he fixes your car and it doesn’t break down again, you’re going to visit that mechanic again. The same exact thing is true when it comes to heating and AC repair and installation work. I have been in the business for a long time. It’s important that our customers know that they are important, because they are. On the top of my website, I have a banner that says customer satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. A couple of months ago I had to remind my crew that the customer is always right and that they are the most important thing. I had a guy that’s been here for 3 years and I had to terminate his employment. When the commercial customer disagreed with him about the diagnosis for the system. My employee never should have engaged with the customer when he disagreed with him about the diagnosis. When he got into an argument and the local sheriff had to be called, I had to terminate his employment. The commercial customer probably will never call me again for heating or AC repair services, but everyone on the crew knows I was serious.


temperature control

My mom is thinking about geothermal heating options

Did you know that there are a lot of great benefits to using geothermal heating? Geothermal heating is easily one of the most environmentally friendly ways to heat your home.

Geothermal heating systems produce no carbon monoxide or greenhouse gases and they leave a very low carbon footprint.

A geothermal heating system also has a very low amount of demand for electricity. Although geothermal systems can be very expensive to install, they are extremely low cost to operate. Many geothermal systems will save a homeowner up to 60% on their monthly heating bills. A geothermal system can pay for itself in less than 5 years. My mom has been thinking a lot about geothermal heating options ever since she met her new boyfriend. Her new boyfriend works for a geothermal heating company. The guy has been a contractor most of his life and he knows how to install the system he wants to install one of the heating options at my mom’s place. I don’t know if my mom is going to have to pay for the cost or not, because I haven’t gotten a lot of information. I was thinking that it might be a good weekend to go to my mom’s house for dinner. If I call her up and tell her that I’m thinking about having Italian food, she will immediately offer to make me lasagna. That would be a great excuse to go over there and get more information from my mom and her boyfriend. It seems like he practically lives there now.

cooling equipment

I got dinner with the girl before the repair call

I’ve been talking to this girl for the past 3 months online. We tried to get together for a date last month, but I ended up having to work late. I was supposed to drive 2 hours to meet her at a social gathering, but I ended up having to work late on an HVAC installation job. The girl wasn’t very upset, but I knew that we were both disappointed. We tried to make plans again a couple of weeks ago. We were supposed to go to dinner and a movie. We scheduled the dinner and a movie for Friday night a week before, and I wasn’t supposed to be the repair technician on call for the HVAC business. One of my coworkers’ girlfriends is pregnant and she was in labor so I decided to take over for the emergency repair calls. I could get a call at any minute and so I told my girl that I wanted to meet but I could get called away. She said that we could meet at a place that was downtown near the HVAC business. We got dinner at a pub. I had one beer and she had to. We talked for 2 hours. We probably could have talked for the entire evening, but I ended up getting a repair call. She said she would wait at the pub for me to return, but I knew that there was no way I was going to return after I found out that the customer was having issues with the furnace. Those types of jobs can take a while and I didn’t want her to sit at the restaurant and wait for me all night after we had a great time.

a/c rep

I think customer service is really important

I have always wanted to provide the best customer service since opening up the heat pump repair business 10 years ago. Anytime a customer has a complaint, I do my best to try to diffuse the situation and make the customer happy. 85 or 90% of our customers would say that they have had a wonderful service experience. I think that is a wonderful amount of people. That is nearly nine out of 10 people in agreement that our company provides excellent customer service and satisfaction. I make sure to tell all of the new employees that customer service is important to me. We don’t argue with the customer if they don’t agree with a quote. We don’t argue with a customer if they don’t want to pay their bill. I handle all of those problems and the service technicians don’t have to worry about anything except making the repairs and installing the heating or AC equipment. I hired a new guy last month and I knew he talked a lot during the interview. That type of nervous chatter can spell disaster sometimes, but he had a great resume and seemed to be very skilled and knowledgeable. After being on the job for only two weeks, I had to let go and terminate his employment with the heating and AC company. The kid got into three arguments with staff and one heated confrontation with a commercial customer that will probably cost me a client. I hope that terminating the guy will keep the client happy. I do not want to lose their business over the new hire.

air quality

I got a new desk for my office

I have been working in the heating and air conditioning repair and installation industry for the past 25 years.

I’ve been with the same company for 15 of those years and recently I told my boss that I needed to start thinking about slowing down.

My doctor told me that I can’t work 50 or 60 hours a week and I shouldn’t continue working as physically hard as I do. The doctor was convinced that I was shortening my life by continuing to physically exert myself at the age of 50 years old. When I talked to my boss and the owner of the heating and air conditioner repair and installation business, he told me that he could put me in a position in the office at a desk if I was ready. All I had to do was say the word and he was happy to put me in a different position. I talked with him about the pay and found out that I would make around the same amount of money and maybe even a little bit more. The office position was more like a sales position. I could talk to commercial and residential customers about the things that they need and try to sell them on heating and cooling equipment. I could reach out to new clients and work on customer relations. I even got to continue using my company truck. It sounded like a dream come true. 2 weeks later I stopped working out in the field and I took the position in the office. I still get out of the office from time to time to talk to clients.

air conditioning professional

I got sick last week with the flu

I absolutely hate getting sick, because I can’t function when I have a sore throat, headaches, and a fever.

I can function when I have a cold, but the flu is an entirely different story. Last week I ended up getting sick with the flu. It was going around the office and everyone was taking a turn getting sick. Nobody wears a mask anymore, so we have all given up on being safe. I felt like I was coming down with a sneeze or a sniffle on Sunday night and Monday morning when I woke up it was a full-blown attack. I had the chills and a fever. I was supposed to go to work, but I decided to stay home instead. I was miserable and all I wanted to do was sleep. Unfortunately, the furnace in my apartment stopped working and I had to call the maintenance supervisor to fix the problem. The guy got there quickly, but it took almost 3 hours to fix the furnace. By the time he left, it was already afternoon and I was feeling delirious. I didn’t want to go to sleep with the guy working on the furnace. I didn’t know a lot about the maintenance supervisor and it made me feel uncomfortable to pass out with a strange guy in my home. When he finally repaired the furnace and the temperature was warm and cozy in the apartment, I fell asleep in my bed and did not wake up until 4:00 in the morning. I missed 3 days of work that week and I barely did anything on Thursday and Friday too.


a/c worker

The line at the gas station was a mile long

My girlfriend and I broke up a couple of weeks ago and she took the dog and moved out of our apartment.

Since then I have had a lot of trouble sleeping at night.

I have tried a lot of different sleep aids, and I even smoked pot one night. I got some weed from another repair guy at my job. Even marijuana didn’t help me sleep better. I had about four or five hours of sleep three nights in a row and I really needed to crash. When I finally fell asleep, I slept right through my alarm. I was running about 15 minutes late and I had to stop for gas before going to the HVAC repair business where I work. I was supposed to put gas in the HVAC repair business vehicle yesterday on my way home, but I was so tired that I didn’t think I had enough time to stop. I was worried that I was going to fall asleep on my way back to the house. When I stopped at the gas station in the morning, the line was at least a mile long. The gas station lowered their price by 15 cents that morning and they were easily the place in town where the lowest price on gas. I didn’t want to wait, but it’s the only place in town that will take the fleet card that I use for work. I was almost 45 minutes late for work. I told my boss that the reason was the line at the gas station and he never questioned me.



click for more on heating

I take my own coffee to work now

My coworkers and I had a coffee pot in the break room and everyone used to brew a pot in the morning.

We probably brewed four or five pots of coffee each morning.

There was one coffee pot for a while and then the office manager bought one of those machines that can Brew two pots of coffee at the same time. There were a couple of people that drank decaf and they were always complaining that there was never any fresh coffee. The break room had a couple of snack machines as well. One of the machines had different flavors of soda pop like root beer, orange, sprite, and coca-cola. We also had a vending machine that had different snacks like chips, pretzels, chocolate bars, snack cakes, and gum. My coworkers and I were inside of the room one day making coffee when suddenly there was a very loud noise and a bunch of drywall fell right on top of us. There was a problem with the ductwork above the lights in the room and the ductwork fell through everything. The drywall, lights, and pieces of the ductwork and wood came tumbling down on top of my coworkers and I. I had a pretty big bruise on the back of my leg for almost 3 weeks. Luckily the company paid for me to take some time off work. They also paid for my coworkers to take some time off work as well while the construction crew fixed the ductwork issues. The entire floor of the building needed ductwork repairs. Everyone injured got a month of paid time off and everyone else only received one week.


air conditioner installation

I found a couple of bags of nickels in the ductwork

My coworkers and I are always playing tricks on each other.

One of the guys left a fish in the back of my truck and the inside of the work truck smelled for days.

Another guy let all of the air out of my tire and I had to spend an extra 5 minutes pumping it back up before I could leave for an HVAC repair. Something really crazy and funny happened to me on Friday. I had no idea that my coworkers were playing a trick on me. When I got home from work, it seemed like there was a strange sound in the house. I couldn’t really figure out what the sound was, but I investigated until I realized that that weird noise was coming from an area in my bedroom. The noise sounded odd and like nothing that I can remember recognizing in the past. I ended up going into the attic so I could investigate the ductwork and the area upstairs. I carefully went into the attic with my flashlight. I cut into the piece of ductwork and I found a bag of nickels inside. It was a small Ziploc bag with eight nickels. After I removed the bag, I still heard a weird sound in the ductwork. This time it was coming from a different area. I found another bag of 7 nickels. I was absolutely and totally freaked out. I called one of my coworkers. He told me that there must be ghosts in my house. I could hear someone laughing in the background. I don’t know how the guys got into my house, but they were the ones who put the bags in the ductwork.


a/c install

The refrigerant line was damaged

I didn’t have the hose part on the repair truck, but I was only a few miles away from the shop

A customer called the repair shop because she did not have any cold AC in her house. The woman described the problem she was having with the AC unit and I thought it sounded like a refrigerant problem. Sometimes when the refrigerant is low, the air coming out of the system isn’t cold. I had an afternoon appointment so I scheduled the customer for a 2:00 spot. I finished up my early repair appointment and had some lunch at a local diner. The place has some of the best burgers and fries. They always cook the fries to perfection and they come out with the perfect amount of crisp. The burgers can be well done or medium and I prefer mine with a little bit of red. I also prefer to have my steaks the same way. I was lucky to have a nice long lunch. Most of the time I have to work through lunch and I don’t always get the opportunity to sit. I answered some emails and called a couple of my commercial clients. I arrived at the customer’s place around 1:30. I inspected the thermostat and the fuse and breaker first. I also checked the pressure on the refrigerant. It was low, but I didn’t think it was a problem that was due to low refrigerant. I found a hose with a hole. I didn’t have the hose part on the repair truck, but I was only a few miles away from the shop. The refrigerant line was easy to replace and repair. I finished up early for the day.



air duct