Author: admin

Heated flooring is perfect for the bathroom

Sadly, the rest of my dwelling has freezing wooden flooring, and I have complaints from family and friends that they don’t want to leave my washroom because their feet are so toasty A steaming warm shower before labor is one of my favorite things about the afternoon. I’m a person who thrives on early days […]

Stuck in the A/C ducts

Eugene is the building service worker for our large office complex. He was given the job to wash the heating and air conditioning ducts, Eugene had never done anything like this before, he assumed it would be easy. In order for him to get started, he climbed to the ceiling and unlocked the ducts. He […]

Opening the windows and letting a cooling breeze in

When the weather outside is hot, there’s nothing better than opening the windows and letting the cool air in. Even though I live in an arena where temperatures can soar, that doesn’t mean the summer time heat won’t be challenging. I know that some people have it easy and never have to deal with intense […]

A/C repair calls

My neighbor owned a small heating and air conditioning company, he delighted his customers and was a wonderful guy. He got a lot of air conditioning repair calls this past summer. Oddly, almost everyone’s A/C broke down. A buyer with A/C problems called my neighbor one afternoon. He did his job and evaluated the heating […]

Importance of quality HVAC

The Millers owned a small family business that sold and installed A/C products for homes and businesses. They had a wonderful reputation and a successful business, one afternoon a local shop’s A/C component broke down. The temperatures rose suddenly, making it impossible for workers to concentrate at the shop! Jack knew the owner had to […]

A homeowner’s HVAC class?

Last month, I was looking for some information about our HVAC company. I heard they had added some new HVAC services, and I was curious what other services there were. After spending an hour perusing the HVAC website, I found some other information that caught my attention. They offered an online homeowner’s calls for anyone […]

Hope was all I had for the HVAC company.

Within six months, I was ready to hire HVAC technicians again When I first opened the HVAC company, I was happy with what I was doing. I had a lot of customers in the first couple of years, and I had to double the amount of technicians and the equipment we had. Everyone was happy […]

I wished I had found the FAQs page earlier.

I was tired of asking my husband how to change air filters. I was also tired of constantly trying to figure out how to tell the HVAC company what was wrong with the furnace or air conditioning unit. I tried emulating the sounds I heard, but it never sounded the same as what I was […]