Author: admin

The HVAC industry has always been calling my name

Personally, I was always interested in getting in the HVAC industry. This is because my father owns his own HVAC shop and he always had us boys help him out. He even invited our sister to learn more about heating and cooling repairs, but she wasn’t interested. I think that our father was halfway expecting […]

I finally decided to go for a smart thermostat

When I finally decided to upgrade my thermostat, I decided to check to see if a smart thermostat would be compatible with the wiring I had hooked up to the HVAC equipment. All the wires were there except for the C-wire which was necessary to power the thermostat. I ended up having an HVAC professional […]

Taking advantage of company wellness program

When the company I work for set up a wellness program, I didn’t pay much attention. My workdays are already long enough that I wasn’t interested in adding anything else. At the end of the day, I’m always in a hurry to get home. I have no desire to spend more time with my coworkers. […]

Using exercise to treat migraines

I have a lot of trouble with migraine headaches. It’s not unusual for me to wake up in the morning with such a bad headache that I can’t get out of bed. My headaches make me sensitive to light and sound. They can become so painful that I vomit. For a while, I was trying […]

First time gym member

Every week, I forced myself to utilize a new piece of equipment When I decided to get in better physical condition, I started by researching the fitness centers in my local area. I found a location less than two miles from my house. I took an online virtual tour and was impressed by the size […]

Jump rope app

I used to jump rope a lot as a kid and was fairly good at it. I got away from jumping rope until about five years ago. I realized that this activity is an asset to my daily workouts. Jumping rope burns lots of calories in a short timespan. It requires balance, endurance and skill. […]

Plantar fasciitis from running

I first got into running, because I didn’t have the money for a gym membership. I couldn’t afford to invest into specialized equipment for a home gym. I was struggling to pay off student loans, health insurance, auto insurance, a car payment and rent. With an entry level job in my field, I could barely […]

Weighted vest for rucking

If the goal is to improve strength, focus on adding to the weight in the pack I’ve been hearing all sorts of good things about rucking as an alternative to conventional running. It is a low-impact cardiovascular activity that can burn more calories while also building muscular strength and endurance. This type of workout can […]